Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Facebook? Really now...

Hmm... on a much lighter note, I finally decided to get myself a Facebook account -- after much incessant proddings from everyone I know... who ALL seem to be on Facebook (here is Wikipedia's entry on Facebook, which I thought was an interesting read). Didn't really care and know what all the fuss are about, until a few hours ago :) Indeed, Facebook is just amazing -- I am finding out about old chums again, and what's more, they seem to remember me; Supreme Kai!

That, and this phdcomic, which seems to back my decision on the other front...

Those bloody guys from Harvard are no doubt enjoying themselves seeing people glued to their product. And with the silly gadgets/plugin-applications incorporated into Facebook, it's just designed to keep people on it for hours on end! *sigh*

Anyway, it seems that the German community has its own Facebook equivalent, its clone, as Chris has brought to my attention. It is known as the studiVZ, and already Chris, Karen, and Leo are on them. There are other clones too; studiQG.fr, studiLN.it, estudiLN.es, studentIX.pl, and iwiw.hu.

One bad thing though, Facebook and StudiVZ are completely two different entities and are not inter-linkable *grr* I don't want to have another separate account... don't make me sign-up for another one... help...

Monday, October 15, 2007

An Ode: I just want you to know who I am

Several turn of events over the past decade decided to unleashed themselves upon me these past few months, and it culminated with a rather ominous and inapportune phone call from mom Sunday night. It now seems inevitable that I will lose my grasp on someone who I hold so dear, who seems determined to close all doors and burn all bridges. Clash of stubborness? Unworthiness? But why the deceit? I am so reminded of these lyrics...

And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything seems like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

'Iris' by the Goo Goo Dolls

Monday, October 08, 2007

Streik bei der Bahn... am Mega-Samstag

Endlich habe ich kurz Zeit um diesen Blogeintrag zu schreiben. Na ja, am Samstag nachmittag, nach unserem Badmintonspiel, musste ich in die Stadt zu meinem Termin mit Olaf (er kommt jedes Wochenende von München nach Freiburg für ernsthaft der Diskussion über seiner Arbeit). Nach einem kurzen Telefonat war dann auch Olaf, auf den ich noch fünf Minuten warten musste, an der Straßenbahnhaltestelle (am Stadttheater). Dort habe ich die Streik mierlebt. Die Leute waren das Gleis vom Hauptbahnhof zur Mitte der Stadt entlanggegangen. Und ooohhh.... die waren sehr laut mit ihren Pfiffe! Sie befürchten im Zuge des Ausbaus „eine unerträgliche, dauerhafte Belästigung durch Lärm, Feinstaub und Erschütterung“. Wirklich?

Allerdings, an der Kaiser-Joseph-Straße fand ich eine andere Geschichte statt! Wir haben den Mega-Samstag gefeiert -- viel kaufen, viel essen, viel kaufen, viel trinken, viel kaufen, viel kaufen, viel kaufen, etc. Ich dachte, dass die Leute in Freiburg ihren Deutschen Nationalfeiertag nicht genug gefeiert haben... hmmm, aber das war am letzte Mittwoch. Deswegen hat der Oberbürgermeister Dieter Salomon diesen Mega-Samstag angesagt.